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Excursions and further Events

We are happy to offer excursions to the Klimawald 1.0 on request.

Cooperation  - Klimawald 1.5

  • 07.11.2019




No. of species


No. of saplings



No. of volunteers

In November 2019, a planting in cooperation with the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald e.V. took place in the direct vicinity of Klimawald 1.0. As a contribution to a climate-tolerant forest, 2,100 giant live trees, redwoods, Lebanon cedars, Atlas cedars, Himalayan cedars, Nordmann firs, silver firs and Douglas firs were planted.

Watering actions

  • 05.-06.07.2019 and 02.-03.2019

Due to extraordinary drought, two Watering Actions took place in the climate forest in July and August 2019. A total of 75 participants tackled the task and watered all 4,500 seedlings within two days - manually with a watering can. A great achievement!


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